Travelling gluten free in Malta

Are you going on a holiday to Malta and looking for the best gluten-free spots? Look no further! We have gathered all necessary information for gluten free in Malta in one easy overview.

Maltese coeliac dietary explanation

I suffer from coeliac disease and as such I am not allowed to consume any dishes which contain even the smallest amounts of the following cereals: wheat, barley, rye, oats.

Are there any dishes on your menu which would be suitable for me, or could you prepare a meal without the addition of the aforementioned cereals (i.e. do not use wheat flour to thicken my sauce or fry my meat in breadcrumbs)? Alternatively would it be possible to use a different cereal such as maize, rice, millet, buckwheat or potato flour?

I have an illness called Coeliac Disease and have to follow a strict gluten-free diet. Jiena għandi tip ta’ allerġija li tissejjaħ ‘Coeliac Disease’ u jinħtieġ li nżomm dieta stretta mingħajr ‘gluten’, li jinsab fid-dqiq.
I therefore become very ill if I eat food containing the flours or grains of wheat, rye, barley and oats. Għalhekk, jagħmilli ħażin ħafna jekk niekol ikel li fih id-dqiq magħmul mill-qamħ, xgħir, u ħafur.
Does this food contain the flour or grains of wheat, rye, barley or oats? Dan l-ikel għandu dqiq jew frak li ġej mill-qamħ, xgħir jew ħafur?
If you are at all uncertain about what the food contains, please tell me. Jekk għandek l-iċken dubju dwar x’fih dan l-ikel, jekk jogħġbok għidli.
I can eat food containing rice, maize, potatoes, all kinds of vegetables and fruit, eggs, cheese, milk, meat and fish – as long as they are not cooked with wheat flour, batter, breadcrumbs or sauce. Nista niekol ross, qamħirrum, patata, kull tip ta’ ħaxix u frott, bajd, ġobon, ħalib, laħam u ħut – basta mhumiex imsajrin bid-dqiq, ‘batter’ frak tal-ħobż jew xi zalza jew ‘gravy’ li fihom id-dqiq.
Thank you for your help. Grazzi ta’ l-għajnuna.

Where to buy gluten-free food in Malta

There are various shops, particularly in the more tourist oriented areas, which are well stocked with gluten free food. Here are the main supermarkets in Malta:

Gluten-free restaurants and hotels in Malta

Gluten-free restaurants in Malta

Since Malta does not have a monitoring process for restaurants to guarantee no risk of cross contamination, as an Association we cannot be 100% sure if any food is gluten free or contaminated in any way. Having said that, there are a good number of restaurants who do offer gluten free food.

It’s very important to make sure that you always explain to any restaurant not only if they offer gluten free food but do also mention coeliac disease.

Gluten-free hotels in Malta

The main hotels in Malta such as Hilton, Excelsior, Corinthia, Intercontinental and Phoenicia would be able to cater for you if you advise them beforehand about coeliac disease and the gluten free diet.

Maltese Coeliac Association

For further information please contact:

PO Box 72,
42, Triq Rodolfu,
Tas-Sliema SLM 1275


Last update of this Travel Net information: January 2021