Travelling gluten free in Andorra
Are you going on a holiday to Andorra and looking for the best gluten-free spots? Look no further! We have gathered all necessary information for gluten free in Andorra in one easy overview.
Catalan coeliac dietary explanation
Soc celíac, pel que per motius de salut no puc menjar cap aliment que contingui cereals que continguin gluten ni derivats d’ell.
Vol dir que no puc menjar productes que continguin blat, sègol, ordi, espelta, kamut ni civada, així com productes obtinguts d’aquests com poden ser la farina, sèmola, pa ratllat, pa, pasta, fideus, algunes salses, rebosteria, galetes, neules, …
Hi ha plats al menú que siguin aptes per mi o se’n pot preparar algun sense els aliments mencionats anteriorment? Per exemple preparant-lo a la planxa, carns, peix o verdures, sense farina ni pa ratllat?
A part de que els aliments siguin sense gluten també és molt important que els estris de cuina estiguin nets i no estiguin en contacte amb aliments que contenen gluten. Per altra banda també és recomanable elaborar el meu plat d’una forma diferenciada dins la cuina.
Si tenen qualsevol dubte pregunti’m abans de preparar el meu plat. Moltes gràcies!
I am suffering from coeliac disease and therefore because of medical reasons I am not allowed to eat any foods which contain gluten-containing cereals or products of these.
This means:
No products from wheat, rye, barley, spelt, kamut and oats as well as products of these like flour, semolina, breadcrumbs, bread, pastry, noodles, dumplings, sauces, cakes, wafers, etc.
Are there any dishes on your menu which are suitable for me or can you prepare a meal without above mentioned foods e.g. to use maize starch or potato flour for the sauce and to prepare the meat, the fish or vegetables without flour or breadcrumbs?
It is also important to use clean kitchen equipment and prepare food in a clean area in the kitchen.
In doubt, please consult the person concerned. Thank you!
Where to buy gluten-free food in Andorra
You can easily find gluten free products in almost every supermarket like: Condis, Caprabo, Carrefour, Veritas, …
0% Gluten
Av. Esteve Albert, 4
Edifici Illa IX, Les Escaldes, AD700
Escaldes-Engordany (Andorra)
+376 323976
“0% Gluten” it’s a gluten-free space with a wide range of bakery products, breads, sweet and savory pastries, pastries, pizzas, salads, coffees, juices, chocolates … and much more!
Gluten-free restaurants and hotels in Andorra
Hotel Roc Meler (Hotel & Restaurant)
Urbanització Ribagrossa nº13
AD100 Canillo
+376 830714
Associació de Celíacs d’Andorra is starting their Eating Out project certifying in collaboration with Celíacs de Catalunya (Spain), so here you can also find certified restaurants in Andorra:
Coeliac Society Andorra
c/ Mossèn Cinto Verdeguer 4-6, 2a planta
AD500 Andorra la Vella, Andorra.
Instagram: @celiacsandorra
Twitter: @celiacsandorra
+376 334353
Last update of this Travel Net information: May 2022