The goal of the project “Finding Missing Countries” is to find delegates from missing countries and help those new countries with starting a youth group in their association.
Finding Missing Countries was the annual project of CYE during the working year 2008-2009, but it has been stated as a continuous project after that. If you want to contact us about this project, feel free to send us an email.
CYE project “Finding missing countries” is the Charlemagne Youth Prize National Winner of the Netherlands
In April 2009 the international CYE project ”Finding missing countries” was awarded for Charlemagne Youth Prize as a National Winner of the Netherlands. It was an important international recognition and tribute for the CYE cooperation and the importance of the work done for other young coeliacs internationally. The honour belongs to all the national coeliac youth group delegates, who have promoted the project and are doing the good work. During the project the national coeliac youth groups have contacted the missing countries, altogether we have made contacts in 13 countries.
The ”Finding missing countries” is an international cooperation project of all the CYE member countries. The basic idea is to help the countries, which have no coeliac youth activities yet or are starting the youth organisation. The ultimate goal is to help the youngsters in every European country to build up a coeliac youth group for further activities.
The aims of the European Charlemagne Youth Prize are to raise European consciousness among young people and to encourage the participation in European integration project. The Prize is granted to projects which are organised by young people to promote understanding and which offer practical examples of Europeans living together as one community. The competition was organized for the 2nd time in 2009.
Charlemagne Youth Prize National Winners were chosen by national juries and invited to a ceremony which took place in May 2009 in Aachen, Germany All the national winner projects were awarded with a medal and a diplom handed by Hans-Gert Pöttering, the President of the European Parliament and Michael Jansen, the Chairman of the Charlemagne Prize Foundation. Three best projects among the national winners were given scholarships, this year these projects were: ”YOUrope needs YOU” from Poland, Festival Européen de Théâtre Universitaire d’Albi” from France and ”Die Diplomaten in Gummistiefeln” from Germany.
Link to the website of the Charlemagne Youth Prize.