CYE (Coeliac Youth of Europe) is the youth group of the AOECS.

What is AOECS?

AOECS stands for Association of European Coeliac Societies and it is an independent, non-profit umbrella organisation of 35 coeliac associations in Europe.

How does AOECS work?

AOECS has a Board of directors, consisting of five Directors who are elected for a term of three years. The legal seat is situated in Brussels, Belgium. AOECS acts inside Europe, although it may have cooperations with Coeliac Societies outside Europe.

What does AOECS do?

AOECS reviews problems of international importance, coordinates international activities and tries to improve the exchange of information of the member countries. It works in order to create a standard for gluten-free dietary products on international level, improve the product labelling, enlarge the variety of gluten-free products in Europe and give assistance and advice to Coeliac Societies in Europe. AOECS operates via different working groups, participating in meetings that are beneficial in the viewpoint of coeliac patients all over Europe, and by publishing e.g. AOECS News.

For more information please visit

What is CYE?

CYE (Coeliac Youth of Europe) is an umbrella organisation of European coeliac youth groups. It works within the AOECS. Spread all over Europe – the CYE representatives join each other at an annual meeting.

CYE is an international forum for raising awareness, exchanging knowledge and working together for a better future!

The vision of CYE is “Improve life conditions for young people with coeliac disease“.

CYE has different activities. We are creating programmes and initiatives: international summer camps, networks for travelling, how and where to get gluten-free food in Europe, co-operations with other organizations and many more. Browse the website to learn them all!

Here you can find the Starter pack for CYE Delegates !

Want to meet the delegates? Here they are! 🙂

(Shot in Belgrade, September 2017. This video is part of Going Social! 2018 Project)